
"when you pull off all your expectations
from someone,

we will see how very beautiful
they really are."


  1. but don't you think that satisfaction comes from expectation? i'm just wonder ;-)

  2. expectation leads both way. satisfaction and dissatisfaction. for me, it becomes a burden. but hey, relationship between humans is not math. choose the one that fits you the best.

    so-i-think-i-understand-relationship-dooh! :))

  3. but, one way or another, choosing can be very confusing then suddenly became a burden. don't you think that we made a choice of what be choose based on what we expect?

    btw, it's great to share w/ u :-)

  4. chose the one that fits you the best, maksudnya kamu pilihlah, apakah ekspektasi adalah sesuatu yang harus kamu perjuangkan. atau, seperti saya, mulai berusaha mengurangi ekspektasi karena justru menjadi beban. susah memang, menghilangkan semua ekspektasi terhadap diri sendiri, orang lain, dan hidup itu sendiri. tapi saya belajar rif, belajar lebih menerima daripada membebani diri, orang lain, dan hidup dengan ekspektasi saya.

    and choosing is always confusing indeed. dan pilihan saya saat ini pun, bukan perkara jadi sekali waktu. banyak pertimbangan dan di waktu yang lama. (maklum, semakin tua semakin labil hahahaha)

    mari, saya juga suka sharing lewat tulisan, kalau omongan kadang suka terbata-bata atau terhalang air mata (hallah!)


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